If its terroir also makes great wines, Chaource has taken the best of Burgundy and Champagne. It has first of all, taken the freshness; secondly, it has inherited its character.
If its terroir also makes great wines, Chaource has taken the best of Burgundy and Champagne. It has first of all, taken the freshness; secondly, it has inherited its character.
Soft cheese with cow’s milk and mixed rind. It is refined with rosé champagne. The aromas are distinctive and reveal a subtle fruity flavor. The flavors assert themselves over time.
Soft cheese with cow’s milk and mixed rind. It is refined with rosé champagne. The aromas are distinctive and reveal a subtle fruity flavor. The flavors assert themselves over time.
Soft cheese with cow’s milk and mixed rind. A wrinkled orange-yellow rind with a light white down hides a melting and creamy paste. The flavors assert themselves over time.
Soft cheese with cow’s milk and mixed rind. A wrinkled orange-yellow rind with a light white down hides a melting and creamy paste. The flavors assert themselves over time.
: Soft cheese from cow’s milk with a mixed rind. Dairy cream enriches the cheese and gives it an unrivalled smoothness and soft texture. It develops subtle flavours of fresh cream and butter.
: Soft cheese from cow’s milk with a mixed rind. Dairy cream enriches the cheese and gives it an unrivalled smoothness and soft texture. It develops subtle flavours of fresh cream and butter.
The Palais des Ducs is a soft cheese made from cow’s milk. It is made from whole milk, to which we add cream to give it its infinite softness. The cheese is soft and melting.
The Palais des Ducs is a soft cheese made from cow’s milk. It is made from whole milk, to which we add cream to give it its infinite softness. The cheese is soft and melting.
The Val d’Armance is a soft cow’s milk cheese, which requires a minimum of three weeks to ripen; it reveals a soft and creamy texture under its fine and fuzzy skin.
The Val d’Armance is a soft cow’s milk cheese, which requires a minimum of three weeks to ripen; it reveals a soft and creamy texture under its fine and fuzzy skin.
Specialty of processed cheese made from Chaource PDO. For making canapes as an aperitif, in conjunction with sauce or grilled meat topping. The possibilities are endless.
Specialty of processed cheese made from Chaource PDO. For making canapes as an aperitif, in conjunction with sauce or grilled meat topping. The possibilities are endless.
Specialty of processed cheese made from Chaource PDO. For making canapes as an aperitif, in conjunction with sauce or grilled meat topping. The possibilities are endless.
Specialty of processed cheese made from Chaource PDO. For making canapes as an aperitif, in conjunction with sauce or grilled meat topping. The possibilities are endless.